Friday, November 26, 2010

Thanksgiving, a time to remember...

the conquering of a native culture! Right? Oh...wait, that's right...people try and forget that part as they stuff themselves full of turkey and cranberry sauce. Don't worry, I'm not going to preach at you today about my misgivings about the history of certain holidays in this country. I'll save that speech for Columbus day. Instead I'll jump right into talking about something more important.

Black Friday.

When I woke up this morning at the sunlit-hour of 7am I thought two things; holy crap I have to pee AND man it's nice to be inside and warm on this first bitterly cold day of the year in Chicago. Don't get my wrong, in some cases I certainly see the value of the Black Friday experience. It promotes 4th quarter growth for the retail industry and helps people (who are willing to freeze their ass off) save some money on presents they're probably spending too much money on anyway. As I told Matt this morning when I arrived at his place to do some work this morning, this was the first year I ever put any thought to potentially going out to a Black Friday sale. I was looking to make a rather large gift purchase of a television. I was saved from the freezing cold and annoying crowds though. I did some research and found that the current special price for the same Tv is $50 cheaper on Amazon than the Black Friday specialty price at Best Buy. Suck on that electronics monopoly!

So, you ask, how did I celebrate this victory against climate and society? By laying comfortably in bed, watching Battlestar Galactica and eating a piece of pumpkin pie topped in whipped cream. It was a symbol of my victory; a tasty tasty victory.

But, now that Thanksgiving is over, Christmas is looming and that's troubling. Not specifically because of the requirement (however small at this aged point in my life) of gifts but because in exactly 7 days I will be turning 30. Granted I still feel young; listening to my punk rock music and getting all excited about Duck Tales coming on my netflix, but it's still a pretty big age. I can still remember being 18 and knowing people who were in their late 20's and, that's such a long way off. And here it is, on the near horizon and I'm really not trying to get nostalgic (not today...though surely it'll come up sometime this week) but I wonder where a lot of the time went. My late teen years are a blur of hanging out with all the best friends of that time in an unfinished basement, listening to loud music, playing pool, watching terrible horror movies, going to run-down bowling alleys to watch unheard of bands and feeling like my life was all ahead of me.

I look at the life I'm living now and I feel pretty damn good. I'm a published writer with more on the horizon. I'm in love with a great girl who supports my ridiculous aspirations and was as excited to see me published as I was. I have some really great friends. My future is once again bright. Ok, end of nostalgia for today.

Updates, updates...let's see. The green lantern trailer looks AMAZING. Ryan Reynolds was, from what I can see, the perfect choice to play Hal Jordan. I still haven't seen Deathly Hallows...was supposed to go Wednesday but that fell through. Hopefully this weekend or next week. I'm OK with not fighting a huge crowd to see it...another sign of my old age. Tron Legacy comes out pretty soon, and every time I see another trailer or clip on it I get more and more excited; it looks soooo awesome.

Scripting is coming along. My new project needs an overhaul which I am continuing to work on...right now actually.


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Eulogizing Social Media

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