Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Dirty little secrets...

So I was...suckered? Convinced? Intrigued? Something like that, into watching Glee.

Damn you Netflix and the convenience of Instant Viewing! *shakes fist*...ok not really mad at them...kinda sorta totally love Instant Viewing.

But I digress...Glee.

So it was decided over the past weekend that we'd watch Glee, because my lady hadn't seen it but was intrigued. My response, of course, was to quote Community, "I hate Glee...I don't see the appeal at all." - Jeff Winger. But, it turns out, it's more like "my so called life" with singing than anyone on the show would admit.

It has the same melodrama and teen pregnancy and awful high school jocks and all the rest of it that nearly every show that has come before it (including the likes of Parker Lewis Can't Lose) has had. With the added benefit of singing.

The real tragedy of watching Glee is not in the enjoyment, which is kinda...inevitable, if only for the superfluous frolicking of several hot "wannabe teens" (meaning they're playing teenagers but are actually in their mid-20's). But no, it's not that, it's this: watching it made me actually conjure the thought, "I wonder what High School Musical is like..." Please, god, no.

I quickly removed that thought from my mind, cruciatus curse style, and have not since been inspired to do anything quite as stupid.

The truly flawed part of the show is that they have to create drama. And I'm not talking about the natural drama that occurs when the boys and girls in the group jump from person to person as their hormones fly out of control. No. I'm talking about drama of, "we have to place at Regional's or the club is finished!" oh, no!

I'm going to spoil the ending for you...they don't place at Regional's. A panel of "celebrity" judges votes against them in the most insane way possible. But, wait...the club doesn't get canceled!

Now, the why's and how comes of this are far too in-depth for me to go into here. But sufficed to say that I saw it coming without even trying to figure it out.

It's a cute show. Are they really singing? probably not always. Do I know even half the songs? Nope. But can I enjoy it as an entertaining conjecture of reality versus surreality? Sure.

So if you have Netflix, check out the Pilot. Give it at least that chance, if you like it...thank me later. If you hate it, feel free to blame me.

That's all for now,

Tb (Jq)

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